Private & Professional Services for Women

$0 Telehealth Consultation

Get the answers you need on abortion, pregnancy, and all your options in New Jersey. No insurance needed.

1st Choice Abortion pill phone questions

Telehealth Nurse Consultations

Please fill out the form and an RN will give you a call by the end of the business day. If after hours, we will contact you on the first open business day.

Your privacy is important to us; our forms are HIPAA Compliant.
Text Message Disclaimer** We are committed to protecting your health information. Please be aware that communicating via unencrypted/regular texting has some level of risk of being read by a 3rd party.

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New Jersey
Women's Centers

Need in-person care? We've got you covered.

Our centers provide no-cost pregnancy and STD services for anyone considering an abortion, including a free ultrasound confirmation*Eligibility Criteria Apply. Find a center near you

Abortion Pill FAQs

Questions about at-home abortion? We can help.

Do I need an ultrasound before ordering abortion pills?

How do abortion pills work?

What if I'm more than 10 weeks pregnant?


Your Health & Safety Checklist

Start by booking a no-cost consultation.

Learn more about abortion pills, abortion procedures, and all the options available to you.

Confirm viability and how far along you are.

How far along you are can determine abortion types and cost. If the pregnancy is not viable, the abortion pill should not be taken.

Get tested for STDs, and if positive, get treatment.

A sexually transmitted infection should be ruled out prior to an abortion procedure to reduce your risk of complications and infection.

About Us

We provide telehealth nurse consultations and in-person pregnancy confirmation appointments so you can get the answers you need to make an informed choice. First Choice does not provide or refer for abortion pills or procedures.

Women Supporting Women

“The place was sparkling clean and the staff was too polite. The staff showed so much care and attention.” - Ishita

“From the second I walked in until the second I left, I had a beyond wonderful and comfortable, memorable experience. They were EXTREMELY kind and nonjudgmental and helpful and informative. I never once felt like they were placing judgment on me or my situation.”
- Amy

“It was an absolutely great experience of professional help and I will definitely recommend it to my friends. It’s really great to feel strong support in such a vulnerable moment in a private, productive atmosphere.”
- Maira

"I was satisfied with my visit to this clinic. The staff was able to not only assist me with the service that I needed, but also gave me advice and pamphlets after. Along with being a free clinic, they devoted their attention to me. Highly recommended clinic."
- Savanna