
Where can I get proof of pregnancy for free?

A drugstore pregnancy test is convenient, but unless the test is negative, you’ll need proof of pregnancy to verify viability and how far along you are. We can conduct a medical-grade urine pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant. This test detects the presence of the hormone hCG, which the body produces during…
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What Happens During an At-Home Abortion?

While skipping the abortion clinic and ordering online may look like an easy, stress-free, safe option, we’re here to help you understand the risks involved, what not to do, the information you need to know ahead of time, what to expect, and what to do if things go wrong at home. Your best first step…
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Searching abortion near me?

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy and are looking for answers, we are here to help. The first step is to make sure you are asking the right questions, getting the information, and receiving the care you need before you plan your next steps. The right questions: Blind Googling can do you more harm…
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What is Your Plan C? Everything You Need to Know About Abortion Pills

With the rise of self-managed at-home abortions, you may have a lot of questions about telemedicine, TelAbortion, and access to the abortion pill without having to see a doctor. If you are looking for information about the abortion pill and your options, we can help. IN-OFFICE VISITS: Your health and safety come first. It’s important…
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When Did I Conceive? Calculate your date.

  You can get just about any kind of information online. However, if you are wondering, “When did I conceive?” or “How far along am I?” a due date or conception calculator can give you a good guess, but it won’t give you the information you need to make decisions about your pregnancy.   It’s also important…
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Do I Need to Get Tested for STDs Before an Abortion?

It’s a subject no one really wants to talk about. We get it. However, protecting yourself against STDs is a way you can protect the future you envision for yourself. While we advocate for getting tested any time you have had unprotected sex or changed partners, ruling out an STI or STD before an abortion…
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Request An Appointment

If you think you could be pregnant, please come in for a pregnancy test and to receive information about your options. All of our services are free of charge.

Pregnancy tests are the only service that can be scheduled online. STD screens and ultrasounds must be scheduled via phone or text.