10 Pregnancy Symptoms You Probably Haven’t Heard of

You’ve probably heard about nausea, fatigue, and food cravings when it comes to pregnancy. But what about the lesser-known symptoms that may leave you scratching your head? If you’re pregnant (or suspect you might be), read on to see if any of the symptoms you’ve been experiencing are normal. 

1. Bleeding Gums and Nosebleeds 

Did you know pregnancy can affect your gums and even your nose? Thanks to increased blood flow and hormonal changes, many expectant moms experience bleeding gums (especially when brushing their teeth) and random nosebleeds. 

During pregnancy, your blood volume increases, and your hormones can make tissues like your gums more sensitive. This extra blood flow can also make the delicate blood vessels in your nose prone to bursting.

2. Changes in Vision 

Pregnancy doesn’t just affect your body—it can affect your eyes too! Some moms-to-be notice blurry vision or increased sensitivity to light. Hormones can cause fluid retention, which affects the shape of your cornea. For some women, these changes are temporary; for others, their vision may slightly change during pregnancy. 

3. Metallic Taste in Your Mouth 

Ever get an odd, metallic taste in your mouth that just won’t go away? This condition, called dysgeusia, is surprisingly common during pregnancy—and it can make your favorite foods taste… odd. Some say that sucking on citrus fruit can help the metallic taste go away.

4. Skin Changes That Go Beyond “That Glow” 

Pregnancy is famous for its glow—but it can also bring surprising skin changes like dark patches (melasma), skin tags, or increased oiliness. And again, hormones are to blame for this change. Chances are, you will also experience acne, especially if you have acne prone skin already. 

5. Excessive Drooling 

Yes, you read that right. Some expecting moms notice they’re drooling more than usual—this condition is called “ptyalism gravidarum.” Experts aren’t entirely sure why this happens, but excessive drooling may be linked to hormonal changes, nausea, or increased saliva production to aid digestion. 

6. Restless Legs Syndrome 

Feeling an irresistible urge to move your legs, especially at night? Most pregnant women say the reason why they can’t sleep is because of their legs. Up to 1 in 5 pregnant women report symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) during pregnancy. RLS may be linked to iron deficiency, hormonal changes, or nerve sensitivity during pregnancy. Try taking walks throughout the day and doing routine stretches.

7. Increased Sweating 

Feel like you’re sweating more than usual? Pregnancy can turn up your personal thermostat. Your metabolic rate (the amount of energy your body uses) increases during pregnancy, and so does your blood flow. Both can make you feel hotter and sweat more than usual. 

8. Gas and Bloating 

It’s not glamorous, but gas and bloating are common during pregnancy—especially in the early months. Pregnancy hormones relax your body’s muscles, including those of your digestive system. This can slow digestion and cause bloating or gas to build up. 

9. Vivid Dreams 

Expecting moms often report having intense, vivid, or downright strange dreams during pregnancy. It could be linked to a combination of hormonal changes, disrupted sleep patterns, and anxiety or excitement about your baby’s arrival. If you think your dreams are related to stress, it’s best to talk about them with someone. First Choice offers free pregnancy consultations, which is a space where you can meet with a trained individual to talk about your pregnancy options, fears, worries and excitements. 

10. Voice Changes 

If your voice sounds lower or raspier than usual, pregnancy hormones could be affecting your vocal cords. High levels of estrogen and progesterone can cause changes in the thickness or swelling of the vocal cords, altering your voice. Don’t worry, your voice usually goes back to normal during postpartum. 

Stay Confident and Supported Every Step of the Way 

Pregnancy comes with its share of expected (and unexpected) changes, and it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed or unsure about what’s happening in your body. The good news? You’re not alone, and there’s always support available. 

At First Choice, we believe every woman deserves compassionate, expert care. Whether you’re curious about a symptom or need guidance through your pregnancy, we are here for you. 

Want personalized advice or a check-up? Schedule an appointment with us today—we’re just a call or click away. You got this! 



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If you think you could be pregnant, please come in for a pregnancy test and to receive information about your options. All of our services are free of charge.

Pregnancy tests are the only service that can be scheduled online. STD screens and ultrasounds must be scheduled via phone or text.